Solutions designed to bring simplicity, efficiency, and security to controlling your cash.

With ICL’s CashSimple® solutions, we make controlling your cash easy, using complex proprietary software and technology to simplify the processes you do every day.
Customizable CashSimple® features can help you by:
- Streamlining change orders and change management
- Providing auto reorders and refills
- Securing till and excess change storage
- Delivering real-time, accurate data and reporting

All CashSimple® Solutions Include:
We buy cash from retailers and wire it to their bank the next day.
No surcharges. No added fees. Ever.
- Simple all-inclusive fee structure
- One single point of contact
- Bank with who you want, how you want
- Easy, no-hassle agreements
- Configurable portal
- An alternative to provisional credit
- Real-time reporting
- Eliminate reconcilement issues
- Shortest initial term in the industry
- Industry-leading bill validation technology

Unique Features
- Till Storage
- Excess Coin and Currency Storage
- Entry and Door Open Tracking
- Remote Access Control

Unique Features
- Never run out of change
- Provides auto reorders and refills
- Updates and alerts on change capacity
- Change funds are always in balance